Monday, September 22, 2008

Never Enough Time

Time management has always been an issue for me. Now that my sister has moved back home after 4 years of college i find it even more difficult to split my time between my sister, my boyfriend, and my best friend of 13 years. Let alone work and school. Its hard for me to say "no" to the people i care most about. How am i supposed to say no to my sister who wants to hang out after 4 years? Or to my boyfriend who wants to go to dinner? To cope with some of my issues i dedicate certain days to certain things. For example, Monday nights and some Wednesday nights i go salsa dancing with my sister. Sunday nights and Tuesday nights i usually go to dinner with my boyfriend. Luckily my sister and best friend get a long great, so we usually spend Saturdays going shopping. Thursday nights are devoted to "girls night out". As you can see, there is too much to do in too little time.


MVINC. said...

I understand your viewpoint: there is so much to do and so little time....but I think the way you are handling your management issue is great. Setting up certain days with different people you care about. And I know how you feel because I am also juggling a demanding full time job, while being a full time student, spending time with family and friends. I basically have no time to relax and not much time to myself. So setting up different days of the week with different people is a great idea on how to plan your life. At times it could get hectic, but hang in there, besides this is NY and everyone's life is the same way.

Lena said...

I think time management is the number 1 issue people face. There is just not enough time for everything. It is good to have friends and the close ones who understand you and try to be on your side. However, sometimes people get offended because you are not spending enough time with them as is the case with me and my boyfriend. We always fight over time- it is either I cannot see him or he has to do something. Nevertheless, I think you are managing time very efficiently dedicating certain days for certain people/activities. And it does not look like anyone is offended because you are not spending enough time with them. So good job Dorris! Keep it up!

Pec said...

On the good side, at least your sister wants to hang out with you. Since my brother moved back home from college I barely see him! I understand it can be tough handling your limited time with people who are close to you, but your strategy of designating days to certain activities is a great idea. As long as you are having fun and keeping up in school, then there is nothing to worry about. Keep up the good work!