Friday, December 12, 2008

Selective Hearing

So the portfolio is due on Monday and my stupid self has not been recording whose blogs ive been responding to. For the past 2 hours i looked at everyones blogs until i found the ones i responded to. Valuable lesson learned: LISTEN TO INSTRUCTIONS!

Management Poem

Leaders can see and develop our potential
And according to DISC I have all credentials
I look for immediate results
Not dumb lazy fucks
Life is going to be lonely
Without any more activities
I’ve learned a lot
A lot about managing
Thank you professor
There will be no other successor

Communicating via Blog

This has been the first time i created a blog or commented on anyone elses blog. It was very exciting each time someone would comment on one of my blogs=) It was interesting to see peoples different views regarding the same subject. The blogs helped me get to know other classmates better, including my group members. The blogs give you a chance to express yourself in a different way. For example, the students who often dont speak up in class have the longest blog posts. Its a great way to share thoughts and ideas with other people.
The blogs got me to to think about the acitivities weve done in class. In class, while i was doing the acitvities i wasnt actually thinking what meaningful lesson would come out of the activity. Rather, it was something fun and a diversion of what professors normally do in class. The blog assignmnets required you to think and apply the activity to a lesson, which i thought was more useful than having memorized a module or strictly listening to a lecture.
I enjoyed the Professor's blog entries. I found them very interesting. I particulary liked the professors "frame blog." I agree with him 100%. The way you frame a question can help you manipulate a situation and get others to act the way you want them to. This especially works with parents lol.
I found it difficult to post the blog entries on time. However, i did get them all done. I work well under pressure and my best papers/assignments are done while procastinating. This was an easy way to help offset test anxieties. It required no outside research and was based more on your views/opinions. I never kept a diary or journal, so it was kind of cool to have my thoughts in writing and to be able to reffer back to anything and see peoples responses.
I do plan on continuing to post my thoughts on my blog. However, it will be alot easier and more enjoyable knowing it wont be graded and there is no due date. I probably wont post as many blogs, but definitely will continue to post interesting cool things that have occured in my life.

The ABCs of DISC

I thought this exercise was very interesting. I've heard about these tests being given to people before interviews and i always wanted to see what i would be ranked as. I ranked as a primary I, secondary D. According to this profile system i exert influence and dominance. This test nailed me right on the head. I have an ability to persuade others to do as i want and to believe my perspective is the right one. In group projects/environments, i am usually the one to take the lead. I have no problem going against the norm. I am quick to answer and work towards achieving my goal. I am happy i ranked as I/D. I hope to oneday be a leader and according to the descriptions, people who have the ability to influence and dominate are often leaders/managers.I think this test is useful in determining people's management types. Based on their answers, one can determine how a person would respond in a certain situation. Different jobs, need different types of leaders. Therefore, this test would be helpful in assessing which candidate would be ideal for a job.

The Power Of Vision

Where do i see my life after Baruch College? For me, school is never going to finish. I plan on going to grad school (hopefully NYU). Although ive been working since i was fourteen, im not ready to only go to work. I cant imagine myself doing the same thing over and over, five days a week. I plan on getting a job in the marketing/communication field. I'm not exactly sure what yet, but something that involves creativity and high levels of communication. I am very much a "people person." I can conversate with anyone anywhere! My friends often make fun of me for that because we get stuck places, speaking to random strangers, about the deepest things. One of my visions recently became true, i wanted to move to the city. I found a job with great pay that allowed me to move in the city. However, i have a roomate and although its a great experience, i hope to one day have my own apartment. I also see myself having my own family... not any time soon, but some day in the future. I can spend hours and hours with kids. They seem to amuse me and it would be nice to have mini me's walking around.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


One word to describe the approach the class took to decision making would be "chaos". There was yelling, cursing, and anger. I understood where most students were coming from. Everyone was worried about their test grade and wanted to do everything in their power to get a better grade. I personally did well on the test, so for me it made no difference. Anything that would be agreed upon would only help benefit me even more. So i decided to take an avoidance approach. I physically left the room. I was getting a headache (eventhough it was quite amusing) and the issue was not that important to me, so i decided to leave. I think the class could have handled the decision better and therefore gotten more accomplished. If each row had designated one leader to speak on their behalf, the class would have to get an agreement upon 13 people instead of 80. The professor was willing to agree to anything. The class should have asked more questions and seen what they could have achieved. Maybe the next test would have been take home or maybe the second test could have been eliminated all together!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Planning Process

Overall, my team worked really well together. After all, our egg didn't break and we earned 5 points on our next exam. We clearly defined our goals and objectives and were very time conscious. Everyone gave their insight as to how to prevent the egg from breaking. Our final result was a mix of everyone ideas. Each person in my team was assigned to a specific job. One person was in charge of drawing and writing out the plan. Two people were responsible for the actual construction of the plan. One person was in charge of getting the scissor. Our group didn't really come up with alternative plans. Luckily, our egg didn't break. However, if we were given this assignment again, i would have worked on alternative plans with my group members. Our creation followed our plan very closely. There was little deviation from our drawing. There was a lot of communication within the group, which was crucial to our success.