Friday, October 3, 2008

Planning Process

Overall, my team worked really well together. After all, our egg didn't break and we earned 5 points on our next exam. We clearly defined our goals and objectives and were very time conscious. Everyone gave their insight as to how to prevent the egg from breaking. Our final result was a mix of everyone ideas. Each person in my team was assigned to a specific job. One person was in charge of drawing and writing out the plan. Two people were responsible for the actual construction of the plan. One person was in charge of getting the scissor. Our group didn't really come up with alternative plans. Luckily, our egg didn't break. However, if we were given this assignment again, i would have worked on alternative plans with my group members. Our creation followed our plan very closely. There was little deviation from our drawing. There was a lot of communication within the group, which was crucial to our success.


david song said...

I think that it was really important that you had communication all throughout your group. Communication really goes a long way because it builds trust. Especially doing an activity with a group of people you don't even know requires a whole lot of trust. Congrats on not cracking your egg and getting the 5 points.

I also read that you're a communication minor. I think that's such a great minor to go into because it's so crucial to the world today in anything you do. Have fun with it and learn a lot because it's really going to help in the future. :)

Larisa said...

I think it's interesting how you guys broke down your responsibilities. Like how the "scissor person" only had to get the scissors which literally takes a few seconds to do, but is also hard to do due to the competition. Also how two people were given the responsibility of constructing it, probably because it was such an important job. In a way it aligns to the way that everyday jobs work.

operez07 said...

Great job Doris we keep racking those points. Our team works great together. We have 10 points in the bag. Don’t change your seat. our egg project was not fancy but it did the job, and that’s what matters the most. We need to keep this team together, so we could keep racking those points.

Darryl said...

I think the most important thing was to assign roles. Obviously your group knew what their individual purposes were and they followed their plan. I expected all the groups to have someone designated to retrieving the scissors but I only saw about 5 people going for it. Knowing its the vital item for the project was smart of your group. Congrats on a successful egg drop.