Wednesday, October 29, 2008


One word to describe the approach the class took to decision making would be "chaos". There was yelling, cursing, and anger. I understood where most students were coming from. Everyone was worried about their test grade and wanted to do everything in their power to get a better grade. I personally did well on the test, so for me it made no difference. Anything that would be agreed upon would only help benefit me even more. So i decided to take an avoidance approach. I physically left the room. I was getting a headache (eventhough it was quite amusing) and the issue was not that important to me, so i decided to leave. I think the class could have handled the decision better and therefore gotten more accomplished. If each row had designated one leader to speak on their behalf, the class would have to get an agreement upon 13 people instead of 80. The professor was willing to agree to anything. The class should have asked more questions and seen what they could have achieved. Maybe the next test would have been take home or maybe the second test could have been eliminated all together!

1 comment:

Power of Management said...

Yea, I agree with you that the class is just "Chaos". Many people are yelling and talking loud over the class try to get people attention to express their own thoughts. As you point out, you probably won't care much about it since you get good grade on the exam. But to many students, this plan might determine whether they will pass or not for the midterm. So many people really take this plan very seriously since it gona to determine whether they "fail" or "pass". So even though the class is little bite out of control, it still understandable.

I think you bring up a really good point that we should have a leader for each role and let the leader of each role to speak for that role. So we will have less people talking at each time and it will be more organize in this way! Since we have a whole class discussing together, it is hard to organize and come up with a plan that is agreeable upon everyone. But gladly, we come up with a plan that is 100% agreeable upon everyone in the class at the end of the class. I don't know if you like the plan that we have or not since you didn't participate for the vote, but I hope that you like it! And also, good luck to your next midterm!