Friday, December 12, 2008

The Power Of Vision

Where do i see my life after Baruch College? For me, school is never going to finish. I plan on going to grad school (hopefully NYU). Although ive been working since i was fourteen, im not ready to only go to work. I cant imagine myself doing the same thing over and over, five days a week. I plan on getting a job in the marketing/communication field. I'm not exactly sure what yet, but something that involves creativity and high levels of communication. I am very much a "people person." I can conversate with anyone anywhere! My friends often make fun of me for that because we get stuck places, speaking to random strangers, about the deepest things. One of my visions recently became true, i wanted to move to the city. I found a job with great pay that allowed me to move in the city. However, i have a roomate and although its a great experience, i hope to one day have my own apartment. I also see myself having my own family... not any time soon, but some day in the future. I can spend hours and hours with kids. They seem to amuse me and it would be nice to have mini me's walking around.

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