Friday, December 12, 2008

The ABCs of DISC

I thought this exercise was very interesting. I've heard about these tests being given to people before interviews and i always wanted to see what i would be ranked as. I ranked as a primary I, secondary D. According to this profile system i exert influence and dominance. This test nailed me right on the head. I have an ability to persuade others to do as i want and to believe my perspective is the right one. In group projects/environments, i am usually the one to take the lead. I have no problem going against the norm. I am quick to answer and work towards achieving my goal. I am happy i ranked as I/D. I hope to oneday be a leader and according to the descriptions, people who have the ability to influence and dominate are often leaders/managers.I think this test is useful in determining people's management types. Based on their answers, one can determine how a person would respond in a certain situation. Different jobs, need different types of leaders. Therefore, this test would be helpful in assessing which candidate would be ideal for a job.

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