Friday, December 12, 2008

Communicating via Blog

This has been the first time i created a blog or commented on anyone elses blog. It was very exciting each time someone would comment on one of my blogs=) It was interesting to see peoples different views regarding the same subject. The blogs helped me get to know other classmates better, including my group members. The blogs give you a chance to express yourself in a different way. For example, the students who often dont speak up in class have the longest blog posts. Its a great way to share thoughts and ideas with other people.
The blogs got me to to think about the acitivities weve done in class. In class, while i was doing the acitvities i wasnt actually thinking what meaningful lesson would come out of the activity. Rather, it was something fun and a diversion of what professors normally do in class. The blog assignmnets required you to think and apply the activity to a lesson, which i thought was more useful than having memorized a module or strictly listening to a lecture.
I enjoyed the Professor's blog entries. I found them very interesting. I particulary liked the professors "frame blog." I agree with him 100%. The way you frame a question can help you manipulate a situation and get others to act the way you want them to. This especially works with parents lol.
I found it difficult to post the blog entries on time. However, i did get them all done. I work well under pressure and my best papers/assignments are done while procastinating. This was an easy way to help offset test anxieties. It required no outside research and was based more on your views/opinions. I never kept a diary or journal, so it was kind of cool to have my thoughts in writing and to be able to reffer back to anything and see peoples responses.
I do plan on continuing to post my thoughts on my blog. However, it will be alot easier and more enjoyable knowing it wont be graded and there is no due date. I probably wont post as many blogs, but definitely will continue to post interesting cool things that have occured in my life.


Olya said...

I agree, it was interesting to see opinions of people who we didn’t really hear from during the class. Reflecting on our class activities in the blog helped me too, because during the activity things tended to get very hectic very fast. I sympathize with you on the time restriction issue. I got use to just having one paper or exams in a class, not regular weekly assignments so I was out of that habit as well, but we got it done and now we can use the blog on our own schedule.

Larisa said...

I agree with you, as pathetic as it sounds it was always exciting to see new comments and see how people reacted to what I wrote. And you made a very good observation -it was usually the students who didn't speak much in class that had the longer blogs since that was the only chance they took to express themselves.

Oh and I also had some trouble doing the assignments early -but luckily just like yourself, I work well under pressure. =)